Sagewise Mortgage Investment Corporation (MIC) intends to generate income and produce positive returns for its shareholders while preserving capital by investing proceeds into a variety of individual mortgages secured by real property to earn interest, fees and in some circumstances capital gains.
Sagewise Mic Share Classes
Targeted Rate is Based on Past Preformance.
Targeted Net Return per annum
CDN Exempt Market Fund
Fund Code: Set & Save
Minimum Amount: $100 Monthly
Investment Freedom
Serious Investors should have options. Sagewise MIC is offering investors two great share classes to help balance and grow their Investment Portfolio.
Targeted Net Return per annum
CDN Exempt Market Fund
Fund Code: SMIC003
Minimum Amount: $50,000
Service Providers
All Sagewise MIC shares are sold through the Exempt Dealer listed on this site.
Book a call to speak with the Dealing Representative to discuss whether this investment suitable for you.